Industry 4.0

Five mistakes not to make when betting on Industry 4.0

Mistakes not to be made in Industry 4.0

Blockchain and the possibility of the “Connected Industry”

Talking about the connected industry means talking about digitalisation…

Top KPIs for SMEs in Manufacturing Industry 4.0

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable measures that companies can use to achieve goals.
Panel control linea de montaje scaled 2

IT and OT convergence is essential in Industry 4.0

Improvements in operational performance are a priority for investing in IT/OT integration, including improvements in performance and service.
Ingeniero en pantalla tactil

Industry challenges and opportunities today

The last two years have not been easy for the industry, so it is worth looking at some of the challenges it faces in the near future.
Industria quimica

Chemical Industry 4.0

The chemical industry is the backbone of many end-market industries and its changes can have a ripple effect on others.
Dados H2

Why it makes sense to really go for green hydrogen

The climate emergency that the planet is experiencing makes solutions such as hydrogen produced with renewable electricity very necessary.
Secador para biomasa

What is biomass

Biomass is an increasingly used term and it is renewable organic material that comes from living beings, plants and animals.
El mantenimiento digital 1

The differences between preventive and predictive maintenance

Preventive and predictive maintenance are the routes that the vast majority of companies choose for industrial maintenance.
Boton de hidrogeno

What is green hydrogen

Green hydrogen has gone from being a total stranger to appearing in a multitude of conversations and plans for the near future. Not surprisingly, green hydrogen plays a vital role in the decarbonization of the energy system across the planet.