
Agile management of manufacturing projects in the industry

The Agile methodology allows a work team to offer quick and unforeseen solutions to the feedback received about the project.
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How to better understand virtualization for industrial automation

Virtualization enables improvements in scalability, portability, security, agility and speed in relation to industrial applications
Grafico Inteligencia Artificial

What challenges does Artificial Intelligence face in Industry 4.0

The adoption and implementation of Artificial Intelligence carry challenges that must not be lost sight of.
Robots automocion

Industry 4.0 in the automotive industry

The automotive industry was among the first to join Industry 4.0. But even so, most companies have to take this step.
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Cybersecurity, an urgent challenge in Industry 4.0

The arrival of Industry 4.0 has shown in recent years that it…
Tecnicos revisando machine learning 1

Why industries are betting on machine learning

The objective of machine learning is to draw from the existing…
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Bernardo Rueda (Hexa Ingenieros): “Industrial digitization, well applied, revolutionizes every department of a company”

We have interviewed the engineer Bernardo Rueda about industrial digitization and the importance of undertaking this kind of project with the help of a consulting firm specialized in IT and OT.
Controlador de PLC 1

PLC versus safety PLC

A PLC is a computer designed to operate reliably in harsh industrial environments. It is used to automate industrial processes.
Robots en la linea de produccion

Automation, destroying employment or replacing it?

The progressive introduction of robots in industrial manufacturing makes automation a threat to the future of employment.
Ingeniero en pantalla transparente

Industry 4.0 and the growing mix of disruptive technologies

Industry 4.0 cannot be conceived without machine learning, deep learning, Artificial Intelligence or computer vision being present.