4 La automatización no destruye puestos de trabajo

Automation does not destroy jobs

Thanks to its important benefits, the use of automation has grown…
moving conveyor transporter on Modern waste recycling processing

Automation in the recycling industry

The recycling industry is an economic sector that is booming…
Crane grab scrap

Minimize material waste thanks to automation

Material waste refers to the amount of material that is used…
1 Automatización en la industria portuaria 2

Automation in the port industry

The port industry refers to all economic and commercial activities…
2 Cómo liderar el cambio hacia la digitalización 2

How to lead the change to digitization?

A crucial aspect to understand how to carry out this process of change is the leadership within the entities to promote a true digital revolution.
3 Errores comunes al implementar proyectos de automatización de procesos 2

Common mistakes when implementing process automation projects

When implementing process automation these are some of the biggest common mistakes that occur
1 Producción sostenible gracias a la automatización

Sustainable production through automation

Automation supports caring for the planet as it is an important technology to adopt sustainable practices.
4 Automatización en almacenes 3

What is warehouse automation and when to implement it

Warehouse automation is used to improve inventory tracking accuracy, reduce human error, and increase speed in the warehousing process.
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Three trends predicted for 2023 that will affect Industry 4.0

Every year, and in a faster and more efficient way, Industry…
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Automation in the mechanization industry: how to reduce costs

how the automation of the mechanization industry can really help us to reduce costs