Símbolo CRM

Why CRM is inevitable in today's industry

The industry increasingly needs a durable CRM solution tailored to the constraints of a specific market.
Control proceso manzanas

Digital technologies to overcome supply chain challenges in the agriculture industry

Today's food supply chains demand that food waste be reduced and that food be of quality and safe.

Five great cyberattacks in history

When security is not optimized or human errors multiply, the consequences of cyberattacks can be disastrous.
Trazabilidad Logistica

The impact of Blockchain and IoT on logistics tracking

In all areas of business, protecting the brand and guaranteeing consumers’ security is fundamental. In some business sectors, it is critical for the company's sustainability.
Dron transporte scaled 2

The main Artificial Intelligence trends for 2022

According to existing data, in just four years, the number of entities using Artificial Intelligence has increased by 270%.
Smart City

Different models of cities around the world: Smart cities

Cities are increasingly turning to technologies to improve the quality of life and create an environment to minimize challenges.
we trace everything 1

Gouze, connect your business with the world

GOUZE is the channel that make Blockchain technology accessible…
Abstraccion poligonal

Big data and blockchain: the winning combination in data architecture

Blockchain technology is applied to a large number of sectors. One of these is data processing. In fact, along with Big Data, it is already a technology used today.
Ingeniero Cloud

What is manufacturing analytics

Manufacturing analytics is the use of data and technologies from operations and events in the manufacturing industry.

Commitment to Industry 4.0

One of the most striking things about the time we live is the…