Ingeniero Cloud

What is manufacturing analytics

Manufacturing analytics is the use of data and technologies from operations and events in the manufacturing industry.
Logistica conectada

The importance of digitization in logistics

Logistics operations have evolved significantly thanks to advances in technology and these improvements will continue for many years to come.
Brazo robotico

The conditions for implementing robotic process automation

Robotic process automation consists of entrusting a software robot with the execution of tasks generally performed by humans.

Blockchain in the pharmaceutical industry

In this article we seek to give a general idea of how it is possible…
Industry 4.0

Five mistakes not to make when betting on Industry 4.0

Mistakes not to be made in Industry 4.0

Blockchain and the possibility of the “Connected Industry”

Talking about the connected industry means talking about digitalisation…

Top KPIs for SMEs in Manufacturing Industry 4.0

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable measures that companies can use to achieve goals.
Molecula hidrogeno verde

Challenges and technological solutions on green hydrogen

The decreasing costs of renewable electricity and electrolysis technology will make green hydrogen an attractive investment.
Formacion digital industrial

The importance of digital training

One of the great challenges of the industry is to achieve the digital transformation of its workers through constant training.
Panel control linea de montaje scaled 2

IT and OT convergence is essential in Industry 4.0

Improvements in operational performance are a priority for investing in IT/OT integration, including improvements in performance and service.