From industrial products to pharmaceuticals, a range of critically important industries rely on chemical manufacturers to have precise controls over their products that must meet strict requirements. Otherwise, supply chains get disrupted and manufacturing processes can stall. In a world where these processes must function together like a finely tuned machine, chemical companies big and small cannot afford to have improperly implemented automation systems.
Precision Is Vital
With the range of products that chemical companies can offer, there is no “close enough.” For anyone from artists (or mass manufacturers of art) to waste treatment facilities, quality isn’t negotiable.
HEXA Engineers offers expertise in designing and consulting on automation systems for chemical manufacturers regardless of your specific product, including:
- Resin
- Paint
- Paraffin/wax
- Casts
- Urban waste treatment
All of these materials and many more depend on careful process optimization strategies. Equipment must be precisely calibrated to maintain production schedules, ensure consistently high yields, and eliminate waste.
Empower Your Engineers With Useful Software
Hardware calibration and precision are only part of the recipe for successful chemical manufacturing. To ensure high standards of quality, your engineers should be leveraging the best software solutions for your specific goal
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems should be in place to monitor your entire supply chain, collect real-time data, and provide reports and analysis throughout each stage of the production process. A SCADA system is essentially the eyes of your automation system, giving engineers the means to assess problems and make adjustments in real time through a distributed control system (DCS). A DCS gives your engineers control over your entire system, remotely or otherwise.
All of these materials and many more depend on careful process optimization strategies. Equipment must be precisely calibrated to maintain production schedules, ensure consistently high yields, and eliminate waste.
Multiple Products? Batch Processing Is Critical
With chemical automation technologies such as batch processing, automated systems can transition between multiple product categories quickly without substantial changes to the system. A simple example would be producing red versus blue paint. There is no need to have redundant hardware. Batch processing allows for different “recipes” to be preloaded and executed quickly.
Additionally, like automation in general, batch processing allows for quality assurance without constant human intervention. Higher quality control standards equal a significant advantage through cost savings, even with more complicated applications.
Consider Consulting With Automation Specialists
An automation and process automation design and consulting firm like HEXA Engineers can help ensure that your systems are properly optimized for your particular chemical products. Your in-house engineers need the best tools available to ensure that your products are manufactured on time and up to the quality standards you and your clients expect. Additionally, depending on your industry, certain regulatory standards must be met.
Our engineers can handle every aspect of the automation design process. If you’re considering ways to improve the efficiency of your operations or are looking to design an automation system from scratch, don’t hesitate to reach out!
For over 20 years, HEXA Ingenieros has helped companies around the world realize their performance goals with unique, custom-tailored automated solutions. In the wake of our expansion to St. Louis, Missouri, in 2017, we’re proud to announce that we’ve only grown from strength to strength.