Commitment to Industry 4.0
One of the most striking things about the time we live is the speed at which new industrial revolutions are emerging. And in the same way Industry 4.0 has already arrived in this era to stay.
Robotics, analytics, artificial intelligence and vision, virtual reality, gamification, nanotechnologies, BlockChain and the Internet of Things (IoT). The so-called KET, due to their English acronym (Key Enabling Technologies).
In the more immediate future, we will see new developments such as factories or industries where the physical and virtual will come together in a state of symbiosis. They will be in tune to accelerate productivity and optimize costs to a high degree. And, although we are already starting to see the first traces of this type of industry today, there is still some way to go to evolve.
What are the goals for Industry 4.0?
While it is true that, businesses today are in a race against time, whoever manages to maximize their profits, by reducing production costs will further their scope of business and therefore reduce gaining a higher market share.
However, for this to be possible they must be aware of the new changes.
They have to combine technology with people, capturing the information from the physical world and recording it digitally. The interpretation of these data by means of artificial intelligence IoT is of utmost importance, automating data collection through the use of BlockChain platforms with secure and traceable automatic information processing and collection.
This is how it has been developed by Hexa Engineers and SigneBlock as main Partner, on the Gouze platform and its corresponding addon Connectivity Suite.
In order to ultimately manage being a business directed by the Data Driven slogan (defined as a business guided only by company data, and making strategic decisions by means of these data) and move away from the term Data Blinded (defined as a business guided by its market and customer knowledge, using no data to base its strategy on but decisions based on the context and its results).
In conclusion, the objectives could be summarized in three simple points.
- Meet the data collection and interpretation challenges of the new industrial model.
- Favor the new industrial model of the immediate future.
- Develop new differentiating competitive levers.
What impact does it have on Industry 4.0?
This whole new situation which is about to happen, will trigger a whole series of events at different social levels.
- Within the business fabric, it will eliminate a great deal of the more standardized tasks in industry. Causing a transfer of employees to different parts of the business; thereby supporting itself, in creative and management areas.
- The industry itself, will increase its efficiency managing to provide increased supply to its customers. Conversely, they will be much more receptive and agile reducing their level of drops in production and offering better quality service to its stakeholders.
- As regards the commercial fabric, customers will receive increased market supply, as well as a possible price reduction, thanks to the lower costs brought on by industry. Benefiting them to a large extent. Additionally, they will gain increased product personalization, followed by an improved business service.
Therefore, the Fourth Industrial Revolution has the potential to boost the economy and improve the quality of life of people across the world. Technology has made it possible to create new products and services increasing the efficiency of businesses and improving the quality of life of those who work in them.
In order to carry out this industrial and business digitalization, to achieve it, all that is needed are the enabling tools. Tools such as Connectivity Suite and the BlockChain traceability platform, GOUZE, allows hybridization between the physical and digital world paving the way for companies, whatever the size, towards the necessary digital transformation to make them more sustainable, efficient and competitive.