3 Errores comunes al implementar proyectos de automatización de procesos 2

Common mistakes when implementing process automation projects

As a business grows, its organization increases in size and new technologies are adopted, and consequently complexity increases as well. To help the organization improve efficiency in all its work areas, the implementation of process automation will be crucial for carrying out tasks carried out manually.

This can include automating administrative tasks, automating production in a factory, or automating business processes. In addition to efficiency, process automation allows you to reduce errors and increase the speed of tasks.

With companies process automation, end-to-end integration can be used to make all applications work together seamlessly, a key factor in improving quality, speed, and productivity in businesses. For example, carrying out tasks automatically such as payment execution, payroll management, inventory replenishment, file digitization or invoice accounting, among many others, promotes the organic development of the entity.

However, when implementing process automation these are some of the biggest common mistakes that occur:

Lack of project definition

One of the main mistakes has to do with the definition of the processes that we want to automate in the company. From the beginning of the implementation of the set of transformations, the objectives must be well stated. Not having clear goals and purposes is one of the most frequent mistakes that companies make. It is important to have the support of all employees who work in the areas where the changes will be made and inform them about the role of technology after its implementation.

Sometimes it also happens that inappropriate processes are chosen, either because they are not repetitive enough, so they do not generate the expected return or because they are complex. With process automation, it is better to gradually scale up, automating simple processes that allow you to gain experience, and then undertake more complex processes. On the other hand, it is essential to take into account how implementing automation will affect your organization and its teams, since the workflow will be completely changed.

Lack of communication

Lack of effective communication between team members can cause confusion and errors in project implementation. It is crucial to clearly establish the goals we want to reach and assess whether the automation of certain processes helps us in that objective. It is not about automating for the sake of automating, but about automating to improve the organization as a whole.

Training Need

If team members are not trained in handling and controlling the technology, they are likely to make mistakes and the project will be delayed. When implementing automation projects it is very important that the team is trained and knows the tool to use. An immature team overestimates the savings from using new tools or methods, which in turn takes time to learn how to use it and use it correctly.

Lack of flexibility

Not being flexible enough to adapt to timely changes can lead to problems in the implementation of the project. Additionally, a lack of flexibility can result in inefficient solutions that require complete reconfiguration to accommodate changes and may require additional effort and cost.

Overestimation of abilities

Overestimating the capabilities of automation can lead to unrealistic expectations and problems in project implementation. When you do not have a deep understanding of the challenges involved in the use of automation, companies are exposed to making important and costly mistakes optimizing processes, which compromise productivity results and the transformation benefits that this technology can offer.

Lack of follow-up and monitoring

Failure to monitor and track project progress can lead to undetected issues that delay or prevent successful project implementation. For example, failing to plan for automated system maintenance and updates can lead to security issues and decreased efficiency over time.

Lack of involvement of end users

Not involving end users in the automation process can lead to poor acceptance of the automated system and resistance to change. If end users are not involved, a solution may be implemented that does not meet their needs. It can also cause not enough attention to the quality of the data used in automation.

Need for testing

Not performing proper automated system testing can lead to undetected issues and inefficient implementation. If bugs in automation are not discovered during testing, they may require additional effort to fix after deployment, which can also result in time wasted fixing issues and bugs that might have been identified and resolved during testing.

Lack of integration with existing systems

Not integrating the automated system with existing systems can lead to efficiency issues and a poor user experience. Lack of integration can require additional manual processes, increasing time and cost, as well as leading to inefficiency in automated processes, as data and information may not be available in real time. On the other hand, it produces difficulties in obtaining complete and accurate visibility of processes and information.

Poor change management

Poor change management can negatively affect the implementation and acceptance of process automation, and may require additional effort and cost to fix problems. That is why, from the beginning, it is essential to make employees aware of the benefits that automation brings to their day-to-day work. The automation of processes does not replace, but improves processes and allows the employee to develop much more stimulating functions.