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Smart energy monitoring

Today, more than ever, it is important to focus on the transition to renewable energy to replace energy produced from fossil fuels. However, not all clean sources can provide power so reliably. For example, wind and solar power can produce wasted energy. In addition, they are not capable of producing the necessary energy to satisfy the demand, especially when the atmospheric conditions are not ideal.

That is why it is so important to find an imaginative solution and this must go through new technologies such as IoT and a smarter electricity grid. A smart grid can better manage electricity demand, allowing renewable energy to be used when it is most abundant and avoiding power shortages. This requires sufficient lead time to avoid power outages by reducing pressure on the grid during peak demand.

Smart energy and IoT

Smart grids are similar to manufacturing and smart factories in that they improve their processes using advanced technologies. Similarly, IoT technologies that enable factories, homes, and offices to connect to the Internet and share energy consumption data in real time, also enable smart energy distribution in cities.

Buildings, infrastructure, transportation, and utilities can all be monitored through IoT. They can be linked to sensors and, through continuous data monitoring, can ensure efficient use of energy. These capabilities can help the world transition to a clean future.

The use of IoT and Artificial Intelligence has improved the efficiency of renewable energy distribution schemes. Combined with continuous monitoring of real-time data inputs, smart grid technologies have the potential to revolutionize power generation and distribution by accurately estimating power needs and forecasting supply and demand.

Solar and wind energy

The amount of energy created depends on the climate, weather or geographical area. However, both are excellent sources of alternative energy. Wind turbines can be installed on land or at sea, and solar panels, transformers, inverters, or other components can be monitored in real time. With precise equipment, such as programmable logic controllers, it is easier to monitor and treat turbine defects.

New IoT enhancements could help grid efficiency by reducing transmission losses in transmission and distribution networks through active voltage control. For advanced help to prevent problems and increase efficiency, it is worth considering the integration of Ethernet modules or wireless communication systems.

Hydraulic energy

There is enormous potential in hydroelectric power, especially from the sea. The power from a single wave can provide enough power to run an electric car for hundreds of miles.

By eliminating huge leaks and monitoring water quality, digital water meters and sensors monitor readings and send alerts in the event of a leak. IoT technology can also improve access to clean water.

Hydroelectric power

Renewable hydropower is a clean, cost-effective, reliable and diverse source of electricity. Modern hydroelectric facilities contribute to the clean energy transition by providing crucial power, storage and versatility, while being environmentally friendly.

Although hydroelectric power generation is not possible everywhere, there are certainly opportunities for the expansion of this industry that are well worth investing in. Not only is it the cleanest of all power generation technologies, but it’s only a fraction of the money spent to support solar and wind power. With the continuous development and benefits of modern digital technology, great improvements in efficiency can be achieved in the hydropower industry.

Tidal turbines can be controlled using data from sensors connected to the grid. The turbine blades can be changed automatically depending on the intensity and direction of the tide. Pressure and flow through the various valves, pumps, and pipelines can also be monitored and adjusted in real time to ensure safe and efficient operations. Smart systems enable real-time control and help with long-term maintenance by collecting performance data and sharing it with other monitoring systems, predictive maintenance, and M2M communication through open protocols.

IoT trends in the industry

As the world continues to change, the most important industries are those that can be controlled. If you want to live in a better world, it is essential to take care of the environment and control the demand for energy by looking for new energy sources that respect the environment. Technologies like the IoT can contribute to this by enabling the establishment of green microgrids and smart devices that help power grids and customers become more energy efficient overall, thus reducing power consumption.