Tag Archive for: automation

3 Errores comunes al implementar proyectos de automatización de procesos 2

Common mistakes when implementing process automation projects

When implementing process automation these are some of the biggest common mistakes that occur
1 Producción sostenible gracias a la automatización

Sustainable production through automation

Automation supports caring for the planet as it is an important technology to adopt sustainable practices.
4 Automatización en almacenes 3

What is warehouse automation and when to implement it

Warehouse automation is used to improve inventory tracking accuracy, reduce human error, and increase speed in the warehousing process.
Robot industrial

What are the landmarks that show that a factory needs to adopt industrial automation

Although the benefits of automation may be obvious, it is often not easy to know if a factory is ready
Virtualization 1 1

How to better understand virtualization for industrial automation

Virtualization enables improvements in scalability, portability, security, agility and speed in relation to industrial applications
Robots automocion

Industry 4.0 in the automotive industry

The automotive industry was among the first to join Industry 4.0. But even so, most companies have to take this step.
equipo 1 6

Bernardo Rueda (Hexa Ingenieros): “Industrial digitization, well applied, revolutionizes every department of a company”

We have interviewed the engineer Bernardo Rueda about industrial digitization and the importance of undertaking this kind of project with the help of a consulting firm specialized in IT and OT.
1 Automated Solutions
Hexa blog June Image1