Tag Archive for: industry 4.0

Industry 4.0

Five mistakes not to make when betting on Industry 4.0

Mistakes not to be made in Industry 4.0

Top KPIs for SMEs in Manufacturing Industry 4.0

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable measures that companies can use to achieve goals.
Molecula hidrogeno verde

Challenges and technological solutions on green hydrogen

The decreasing costs of renewable electricity and electrolysis technology will make green hydrogen an attractive investment.
Cajas cinta transportadora

Aggregation in industry, with pharmaceuticals as a model

Aggregation is a serialization solution on production lines that involves adding a unique identifier to each unique product.
Tecla mantenimiento

What is a CMMS?

A CMMS is a software that maintains a database of information about the maintenance operations of an organization.
Ransomware ataque

Ransomware has taken the industry as one of its main targets

Cybercriminals use ransomware as an attack system because it is often the fastest and easiest way to earn money.
El BMS 1

What is the Building Management System

The Building Management System or BMS is a computer system installed in buildings to manage and monitor equipment.
Tendencias industria

Aspects that are trending in Industry 4.0 in 2021

Industry 4.0 trends are critical to achieving connected manufacturing for smart, autonomous factories.
Un microchip

The current problem of the lack of semiconductors in industrial hardware

The current lack of semiconductors is affecting not only manufacturers but all those who depend on being able to supply the final products.
Dados H2

Why it makes sense to really go for green hydrogen

The climate emergency that the planet is experiencing makes solutions such as hydrogen produced with renewable electricity very necessary.