Tag Archive for: safety

tarjetas de seguridad Safety 2

Safety cards or safety PLC: what are they and what is their importance for industries

For a safe working environment, it is necessary to incorporate additional security functionalities and this is where Safety security cards come into play.
Operario en una pasarela de la fábrica

The inevitable safety of workers in Industry 4.0

The safety and performance of industrial companies go hand in hand and even more so in Industry 4.0, where the environment is constantly changing
Ransomware ataque

Ransomware has taken the industry as one of its main targets

Cybercriminals use ransomware as an attack system because it is often the fastest and easiest way to earn money.
Dron industria

New technologies can help improve worker safety in industry

Safety in the industry is a factor in which digitalization and new technologies can be of great help for its improvement.
Reconocimiento facial

Machine learning and IA benefit worker safety in industry

With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, industries are optimizing a safe environment for workers.