The conditions for implementing robotic process automation
Conditions for the implementation of an RPA
The candidate processes for the implementation of a basic RPA must present the following characteristics, in two axes. On the one hand, the terms of reducing the human burden and the return on investment must be taken into account. In this case, they must have a strong but low-value-added manual component, be routine and repetitive, and in large volumes. On the other, the technical feasibility must be observed taking into account that the processes are digitized, that they are standardized and with few variations, based on rules and that they are stable and long-lived.
Software robots replace humans by reproducing their actions, to relieve them of repetitive, boring tasks, without intellectual interest and with low added value. The stronger the replaceable manual component, the better the return on investment, by allowing repositioning of workers on higher value-added tasks or by eliminating an outsourced service.
- Routine and repetition
- Large volumes
- It is likely to produce errors
- Digitized processes
- Standardized, with few variations
- Rule-based
- Stability and longevity